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Friday, October 31, 2014

Put it into perspective

In Senate Blue Ribbon Committee hearing Senator Allan Peter Cayetano explains to Mr. Antonio Tiu that if someone is claiming to be an Owner of a certain property the Claimant would have presented numerous documents proving that is the Rightful owner of certain property.

However Mr. Antonio Tiu only presented a One Page memorandum of agreement Without Notarization, opposite to what he’s saying in various Media interviews that he has Documents to probe ownership and he’s a reputable businessman owning businesses worth Billions.

The committee was expecting a very elaborate contract that they invited Bureau of Internal Revenue Commissioner Kim Henares and Security and Exchange Commission Officials to give their expert opinion.

Commissioner Kim Henares allotted her day to help give light, expert opinion and perspective on Country’s and Public interest on this alleged corruption of a government official.

Senator Trillanes asks Mr. Tiu for the documents showing proof of ownership of Batangas Property

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Atty. JV Bautista and Rep. Toby Tiangco Gate-crashing Senate Hearing on Binay Controversies

Without any authorization coming from the Person they represent or request from the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee Hearing  Atty. JV Bautista and Rep. Toby wants to make a statement on the said committee hearing. Senator Allan Peter Cayetano explains why it should not be allowed.  

The Committee on Accountability of Public Officers and Investigations of the Senate of the Philippines, or more popularly known as the Blue Ribbon Committee, is the Senate committee tasked to investigate alleged wrongdoings of the government, its officials, and its attached agencies, including government owned and controlled corporations, in aid of legislation, that is, the primary purpose is the suggestion of new laws, or proposals of amendments to existing laws.

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