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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Veteran Reporter Raissa Robles testify on senate blue ribbon committee

Veteran Reporter Raissa Robles testify on senate blue ribbon committee regarding with her June 2010 voice recorded interview with VP Binay voicing to her about his various properties including the controversial Batangas Property.  She was also allowed to take pictures of other VP Binay properties.

Read her News Blog about this matter and the reaction of VP Binay through his spokesman on political affairs Gov. Jonvic Remulla.

Watch her testimonies before the Senate Committee:


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Laban o Bawi contestant displays her “Aegis” singing ability

Spontaneously sings as Jose Manalo lead the first few line of the song and then was told to do it on a higher pitch several times.  Very entertaining.

Truly, Filipinos has these innate singing talent.  Watch and Enjoy!

Juan for all, All for Juan - Lola Pricilla Rapper

Lola Pricilla a 74 year old windowed who plants kangkong for a living from barangay cuyab, san pedro laguna, winner of Juan for all, All for Juan November 11th, amazed hosts of her rapping abilities that came from her background as a Filipino poet and Kundiman singer who still has her wits to go along with the humorous hosts of the show.

Scroll down to Watch the Video

She even dedicated a Poet to Ryzza that turns into a rap. Adorable and Lovable; Lola the will surely entertain you and make your day.

Watch, Enjoy and Share.

Lola Pricilla was invited to Eat Bulaga Studio

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

T3 Tulfo Brothers salutes traffic enforcer who volunteered for 20 years

T3 – Tulfo Brothers Salutes a volunteer traffic enforcer who for 20 years unselfishly giving his service for free.  Assisting pedestrian from the elderly to elementary students as they cross-busy streets and helping on traffic troubles.

He serves school on weekdays, church on Sunday and also assisting funeral marches without expecting any compensation.

His commitment to serve his fellow Ka-Barangay, gives us hope that there are people who still has their values in serving other people.

Watch T3 Enforced on TV5 12:45NN

Friday, November 7, 2014

Snatcher De Kotse na Ngayon

Street criminals are getting more sophisticated now a days, Snatchers are using cars with fake congressman plate number to prey on their potential victims. Last Wednesday 5th of November, a woman fall victim to this criminal, while she was walking in Mother Ignacia Street Quezon, on her way to office. A Toyota Innova parked alongside the said street, after passing the car a man got outed of the vehicle forcibly taking her bag! The woman resisted but the suspect pulled out his gun and pointed at her in an instant she froze and stopped her resistance also witnesses can’t do anything while the crime is taking place because the suspect is armed and was gone right away using his car as a get away vehicle with back plate number PLO 129 and 8 plate number in front.

CCTV Footage of Snatching

Scroll down to Watch the Video

Still in shocked the victim went to the Barangay Hall and reported the incident, it takes several minutes for her to regain her calm. She reported that her bag contains two smartphones, ATM Card and two thousand pesos cash.

According to Barangay officials last October 31, around 6am same crime was reported on the same location. CCTV Camera captured both crimes. Citizens are advice to take extra precaution now that criminals are getting more creative and sophisticated.

Thursday, November 6, 2014



A talent show that features different amazing performers of all ages and genres. 

Khuex and Bambi

Happy Twins

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Two brothers were arrested by PNP Tarlac in a town’s party for unclear reasons.  They were brought in the Police Station there they were electrocuted, beaten and was forced to kiss each other.

Humiliated and abused they asking help from Tulfo Brothers TV News Program.

Watch the whole story.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Typhoon Yolanda Survivor Raped

Typhoon Yolanda Survivor allegedly raped by his uncle in Malabon.  Suspect now in detention.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Robin, Rommel and BB GANDANG HARI on TV Radio

Very rare Padilla's interview Robin, Rommel and BB Gandang Hari.  It seems that the Brothers has finally accepted BB Gandang Hari for what he really is.

Aksyon TV News 11-03-2014

Juan For All, All For Juan 11-03-2014


ABS-CBN Nation - Nation

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